True Justice: Deep Listening

Transforming the education and ongoing learning of law by connecting Aboriginal-led, on Country and immersive experiences.


True Justice: Deep Listening is an initiative seeking to transform the education and learning of law through the facilitation of on-Country, immersive experiences. We connect you to Traditional Owners, Educators, Interpreters, Academics and Lawyers in a course focusing on law. The learning context centres Aboriginal-led expertise in trauma-informed practice. Different parts of country are thread into the course design in a deliberate way and your participation is at the invitation of Traditional Owners. 

Transforming the education and ongoing learning of law requires listening and responding differently in the pursuit of True Justice. Developing this capacity is the core to ethical practice in Australia. 

We invite you to be a part of this initiative and to help realise our intent for transformational change.

Join us on-Country and be a part of the recalibration of the Australian legal education and legal system for true justice for Aboriginal peoples.